Dear Reader,
Last year I wrote a post on the simplicity of Christmas. And how it's important and all that.
This year I've been overwhelmed by Christmasy things. So much so that maybe...I'm not being simple enough.
It all started with the ward Christmas party. The youth were in charge of it, so that meant the leaders had to put it together and get the youth involved in some way. It was stressful and time-consuming. We made the centerpieces, and decorated the room, and put together the entertainment, and organized the food that was being served...I was thinking of like nothing else for weeks. Luckily it turned out:
Then one of my young women turned 16 this past weekend so I baked this cake:
And then I went to coworker Michelle's house to bake cookies.
A LOT of cookies.
I've also been decorating my house, Christmas style.
(I made this little nativity number out of construction paper and Popsicle sticks at the Highlights Holiday Open House a few weeks ago.)
PLUS the obligatory Christmas present shopping.
Pretty much Christmas hasn't even happened yet and I'm already exhausted. I think this is the opposite of taking things simple. Oh well. Better luck next year?...